Celebrating Grace

When I was watching an NFL match recently, one of the most striking observations I made was how much they celebrate. What would it look like to celebrate the wins in our churches?

Gavin SmithGavin Smith
Jan 12, 2023

Celebrating Grace

When I was watching an NFL match recently, one of the most striking observations I made was how much they celebrate. What would it look like to celebrate the wins in our churches?

Gavin SmithGavin Smith
Jan 12, 2023

Celebrating Grace

When I was watching an NFL match recently, one of the most striking observations I made was how much they celebrate. What would it look like to celebrate the wins in our churches?

Gavin SmithGavin Smith
Jan 12, 2023

Celebrating Grace

Gavin Smith
Jan 12, 2023

In the last few months, I’ve become a member of the 3am club. 

If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a crazy group of people across the UK who wake up at 3am to watch American Football. And mad though it may be, there’s something uplifting about watching it.

One of the most striking observations I made from watching an NFL match is the number of celebrations that take place throughout the game. If you’ve ever watched a game, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. After every play, whether they’ve gained 35 yards to score an amazing touchdown or have just moved the ball one yard forward, they celebrate. They celebrate when they make a tackle and these celebrations include dancing, singing, cheering and much more. Players and supporters of American Football are passionate with their celebrations, in fact it seems to be a constant ongoing experience throughout the match. 

Whilst I’m not suggesting we are non-stop dancing on a Sunday, it made me think about what I am like at church. 

Do we take the time to celebrate the wins or rejoice in the successes? 

The Grace of God is at work all around us but the question is have I got my eyes open to see it? Maybe someone new has started coming or our Sunday service has gone smoothly this week; this is something to be celebrated. No matter how big or small, by God’s grace, something has worked out and has blessed others, our number has expanded and our ability to care for others has grown. 

The second observation that I have enjoyed is the comradery of the players and the teamwork that’s on display. Not only do they celebrate together but they are also constantly encouraging one and another. It’s very provoking. 

How do we celebrate grace in others? How good are we at getting alongside others, pointing out grace and encouraging them? 

There is grace at work right across the whole church and it is so exciting that we get to be a part of it. Let’s be like the NFL players and at each step, stop for a moment and celebrate the wonderful grace of God and take the time to encourage others for the Glory of God.  

I am hoping one day I might get the opportunity to experience an NFL game in person, but until then I am a fully committed member of the 3am club!

Gavin Smith
Gavin Smith
Gavin serves as the Church Administrator for Christchurch, Newport, a role he has been in for the last 18 years. He is passionate about the gospel and strengthening the church by supporting the work that happens behind the scenes.

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